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Better Breathing Sport uses an all-natural technique toimprove breathing for people globally.
When you breathe out through your Better Breathing Sport,gentle pulses of positive pressure are created in your lungs to help clean andimprove your oxygen delivery system, optimise your lung capacity, whichimproves your performance and stamina while helping to improve your fitness.
Better Breathing Sport also helps improve your chestmuscles to improve the efficiency of breathing out carbon dioxide for reducinglactic acid (lactate) build-up and faster removal after exercise, for anoptimal workouts and enhanced recovery times.
It’s easy, safe and all-natural, but most importantly,it’s incredibly efficient.
Better Breathing Sport is safe and an all-natural andonly takes minutes a day to help improve your performance.
Simply perform 10 repetitions for 3-5 second, 30 minutesbefore a workout and it will help to open up your lungs, ready for a greatworkout.
If you want to take your fitness and performance to thenext level, use 2 times a day as well to help optimise your lung capacity,health and fitness.
1. Set a Baseline Before Use – something simple like how long you can blow through Better Breathing Sport,
2. Measure Weekly to see your improvements,
3. Watch as you take your performance to the next level
Gain An Important Edge and Improve Your Personal Best
Improves Training & Workout Times
Improves Shallow Breathing
Improves Recovery Times & Sleep
Improved Energy Levels
From Tim Cahill an Elite Striker in soccer, to Brett Lee, one of the Fastest Bowlers in Cricket, Ultra-marathon Runners, Pro-Cyclists, Olympic Swimmers and many more. Better Breathing Sport is helping athletes to achieve a new level of fitness and performance.
From Children to seniors, fitness enthusiasts to elite athletes and everyone in between. Better Breathing Sport is designed to help anyone of any age or athletic level.
Better Breathing Sport is all natural and safe and doesn’t require batteries or refills. It takes minutes to use and fits inside a handbag or your pocket to be taken anywhere you go.
Watch our ambassador Brett Lee set-up and use his Better Breathing Sport
For maximum effect; Use the Better Breathing Sport 30 minutes before a workout or exercise.
While sitting up in a straight and relaxed position, breathe in deeply, then place the product in your mouth and simply blow for 3–5 seconds at a consistent breath to maintain the vibration.
Repeat this deep breathing for 10 repetitions (do not blow too hard). Do this 1–2 times each day for 5-10 minutes.
The Better Breathing Sport uses an all-natural process that mimics 15-35 ‘mini coughs’ through resistance and vibrations to help improve clearance and hygiene of the lungs and optimise lung capacity.
Restores optimal Lung capacity and lung health.
You can feel it working the first time you blow into it.
Take it anywhere with you.
Based on a natural process in your body, it is fully mechanical.
Click the button below to learn more about the Better Breathing product made specifically for kids.
What is the Better Breathing Sport?
What’s inside the Better Breathing Sport?
How does the Better Breathing Sport work?
Are there any side effects when using the Better Breathing Sport?